Archive for the ‘Divorce Ranches’ Category
Friday, September 6th, 2013
The true story behind my award-winning first novel UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH was featured in an August 28, 2013, article called, “Divorcing at Dude Ranches,” published in the Huffington Post! Read the article HERE. I found the comments “interesting,” to say the least! (scroll down about nine inches below the article to find the comments)
Written by Theresa Iker, the article is based on a recent interview she did with me about my experiences at a divorce ranch in Reno, Nevada, way back in 1951. The interview was part of Iker’s research for her Scripps College thesis on the American divorce ranches phenomenon, circa 1930s to 1960s. AOL picked up the article and it went viral internationally!

The circa 1951 letterhead from Pyramid Lake Ranch—30 miles north of Reno, Nevada—the "Desert Lake Ranch" setting of my semi-autobiographical novel, "Unbridled: A Tale of a Divorce Ranch." (click on the image to see a high-resolution version of the historic letterhead)

Marilu Norden, circa 1952, about a year after the divorce ranch experience
Tags: divorce, divorce ranch, Drackert, harry and joan drackert, Marilu Norden, Pyramid Lake, Pyramid Lake Ranch, Reno, Reno-vated, Theresa Iker
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches, Entertainment, Hollywood | Comments Off on Marilu Featured in Huffington Post
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
Marilu was interviewed by Dave Becker for “State of Nevada” on KNPR, Nevada Public Radio, on March 1, 2011, as a member of a panel of people who were part of the whole divorce ranch experience. To listen, click HERE.
PROGRAM NOTES: Back in the 1930s and 40s, Nevada was one of the few states you could get a quick divorce. So many people flew in for a few weeks or months—the time it took to complete the paperwork. They stayed on “divorce ranches”—complete with cowboys, horse rides, and cocktail hours. Sometimes even Hollywood stars came to stay: Clark Gable and Ava Gardner, among others. We take a look back at the “divorce ranches” with a historian, a former guest, a ranch owner, and a cowboy who said he’d “died and gone to heaven” when he saw all those ladies.
GUESTS: Marilu Norden, former guest at Pyramid Lake Ranch and author, Unbridled: A Tale of a Divorce Ranch; Bill McGee, former cowboy at Flying M E Ranch and co-author, The Divorce Seekers: A Photo Memoir of a Nevada Dude Wrangler; Beth Ward, former owner, Whitney Ranch; and Mella Harmon, architectural historian who studied the divorce trade.
Tags: 1950s, Ava Gardner Pyramid Lake Ranch, Beth Ward, Bill McGee, Carson City, Clark Gable, Divorce Ranches, Donner Trail Guest Ranch, Flying M E Ranch, harry and joan drackert, Latest Book, Mella Harmon, Reno, Unbridled
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches | Comments Off on Tales from Reno’s Divorce Ranches on KNPR Nevada Public Radio
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011
A 20-minute interview with Marilu for “The Story”—a nationally syndicated radio program hosted by Dick Gordon out of WUNC Chapel Hill, North Carolina—aired Tuesday, February 22, 2011. To listen, click HERE.
Marilu can be heard talking about her experiences in the 1950s at the Pyramid Lake Ranch divorce ranch outside of Reno, Nevada, that was the subject of her award-winning novel, Unbridled: A Tale of a Divorce Ranch.
Here’s a photo of Marilu during the interview:

Marilu Norden Being Interviewed by Dick Gordon for "The Story
Tags: 1950s, big band, book, divorce ranch, Divorce Ranches, Hollywood, singing, Unbridled
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches, Hollywood | Comments Off on Marilu Interviewed
About “Unbridled”
on American Public Radio
Monday, August 9th, 2010
UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH just became the Award Winner in the Fiction and Literature: Chick Lit/Women’s Lit category of the International Book Awards 2010!
Tags: awards
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Monday, August 9th, 2010
UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH has been named a Mainstream Fiction winner of the 17th Annual Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Awards 2010!
Tags: awards, writers digest
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Wins Mainstream Fiction Award
Monday, January 4th, 2010
UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH has been named the Award-Winner in the Fiction & Literature: Chick Lit/Women’s Lit category of the National Best Books 2009 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News!
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is an Award-Winner!
Monday, January 4th, 2010
Marilu is publicizing UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH in a series of talk radio interviews nationwide!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Money Matters Radio Network with Gina Ghioldi; Nationally Syndicated to 9 Stations
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
KCBR-AM 1040; Colorado Springs CO; 9:00 a.m. MT
Monday, January 4, 2010
WOCA-AM 1370; Ocala FL; 9:00 a.m. ET
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
WDYK-FM 100.5; Cumberland MD, 11:30 a.m. ET
Airing Week of January 11, 2010 (Monday, Wednesday or Thursday)
WNTN-AM 1550; Boston MA, 6:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. ET
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
WACK-AM 1420; Rochester NY; 8:35 a.m. ET
Friday, January 15, 2010
WNAV-AM 1430; Annapolis/Baltimore MD; 9:35 a.m. ET
Airing Week of January 18, 2010
Issues Today Radio Network with Bob Gourley; Nationally Syndicated to 188 Stations
Thursday, January 21, 2010
KAHI-AM 950; Sacramento, CA; Noon-1:00 p.m. Pacific
Tags: Amanda Mangan, Annapolis, Baltimore, Bill Lusby, Bob Gourley, Colorado Springs, Cumberland, Finger Lakes, Gina Ghioldi, Interview Schedule, ISSUES TODAY RADIO NETWORK, KAHI-AM 950, KCBR-AM 1040, Larry Whitler, Marilu Norden, Mary Jane Popp, MONEY MATTERS RADIO NETWORK, Ocala, Paul Roberts, Robin MacBlane, Rochester, Rus Jeffrey, Sacramento, Syracuse, talk radio, Tron Simpson, UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH, WACK-AM 1420, WDYK-FM 100.5, WNAV-AM 1430, WNTN-AM 1550Boston, WOCA-AM 1370
Posted in Divorce Ranches, General, Latest Book | Comments Off on Marilu on Talk Radio
Monday, January 4th, 2010
The Dec09/Jan10 issue of BUST Magazine article, “The Six-Week Cure,” written by Priya Jain, features an interview with Marilu and information about UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH!

Tags: Arizona, Arthur Miller, Ava Gardner, Bill McGee, bust magazine, Carson City, Charlie Chan in Reno, Clark Gable, divorce ranch, Divorce Ranches, Ethel Dupont Roosevelt Jr., Flying M E, Gloria Vanderbilt, Greek premier, harry and joan drackert, Jack Kennedy, Jane McClary, lake tahoe, Leopold Stokowski, Maggie Astor, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Prince Ali Khan, priya jain, Pyramid Lake Ranch, Reno, Rita Hayworth, Sandra McGee, six week cure, the divorce seekers, The Women, truckee river, Tucson, Washoe County, washoe county courthouse, William L. McGee
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches, Entertainment, General, Hollywood, Latest Book | Comments Off on Article in BUST Magazine
Monday, April 13th, 2009
Back in the days of vaudeville, Gypsy Rose Lee and her mom found themselves booked into a third rate theater specializing in the dubious art of stripping. This was comically dramatized in the 1962 film version where the young “Gypsy” is introduced to the inner sanctum of stripping by a trio of strippers, each insisting, in her own inimitable way, that to succeed “You Gotta Have A Gimmick.” “Gimmick” is yesterday’s word for today’s all-purpose “hook,” as in: if you want to guarantee stardom on the world stage “You Gotta Have a Hook.” But in vaudeville “hook” meant if you gave a lousy performance somebody from backstage would wield a big, long hook and reel you right off the proscenium. There went your rent money and your reputation in show business. Not so today. Have a great hook and you’re in the running for whatever the media demands.
Tags: age, characters, divorce, divorce ranch, Divorce Ranches, Edith Wharton, gimmick, hook, Nevada, novel, plot, Reno, Reno-vated, Santa Fe, six week cure, survivor, vaudeville, Washoe County, writing
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches, Entertainment, General, Latest Book, Mixed Media, Paintings | Comments Off on How to Write a Novel at 83 … or 13
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008
Ever since a certain Gladys Marie Moore swore to a judge she was seeking a divorce from her husband Owen because he was an alcoholic, a brute, and had abandoned her, she established Nevada as the place to unravel “the ties that bind”. She stayed just 16 days at the Campbell Ranch in Genoa, Nevada in February of 1920 and the judge, Frank Langen of the Douglas County District Court in nearby Minden, without knowing Mrs. Moore was really America’s Sweetheart Mary Pickford, one of the greats of the silent movie era, granted her a divorce. “Little Mary” left Reno for Oakland, California by train and one month later wed Douglas Fairbanks, another idol of the silver screen, with whom she’d been engaged in an affair for several years. So, the Campbell Ranch was really the first divorce ranch, one of a long line of dude ranches catering to the convenience and anonymity of people seeking a quicker way to end their marriages than waiting the much longer time required in most other states in the U.S.
Tags: 1950s, Campbell Ranch, divorce ranch, Divorce Ranches, Gladys Marie Moore, Mary Pickford, Nevada, Reno, Unbridled
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