Posts Tagged ‘New Mexico’

Announcing Seven Vibrant New Original Canvases for 2015!

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

First 7 Canvases of 2015!

I’ve been working hard in my studio this year, busily creating exciting new Original Canvases for you to enjoy! So far, in the first six weeks of 2015, I’ve already produced SEVEN new Original Canvases in my signature style, “Vibrant Spirits of the Southwest!” Click on the image above to get a closer look at these new works, or visit my ONLINE GALLERY for titles, dimensions, prices, and to view the paintings in much greater detail. Perhaps one of them is “calling” out to you, whispering to your heart that where it really belongs is with you, in your home!

Now Available from Marilu Norden: “Vibrant Spirits of the Southwest;” Exciting, All-New Portfolio v.002!

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

The all-new 48-page catalog of my latest Original Canvases from my “Vibrant Spirits of the Southwest” series is now ready for YOU to enjoy, and for GALLERISTS to use in selecting new works that they want to CONSIGN for their galleries in 2015!

Marilu Norden Portfolio v.002

Click on the cover image above, which will take you to the publication’s MagCloud page. You’ll then click the red “Read Now” button on the cover image to open the catalog in MagCloud’s brilliant Web Viewer.

Either: 1) CLICK HERE; Portfolio v.002 will open in a new window; then click your browser’s download button to download the file to your PC or Mac; OR 2) CLICK ON THE COVER ABOVE to be taken to the portfolio’s MagCloud page where you’ll click on the dark blue “Buy Digital: FREE” button to add the free PDF to Your Cart. Once checked out and downloaded, your free PDF of Portfolio v.002 is best viewed using ACROBAT READER, with your display preference set to View > Page Display > Two Page View > Show Cover Page in Two Page View. If you’re using PREVIEW, select View > Content Only > Two Pages.

To purchase collectible, perfect-bound print copies of Portfolio v.002 for $15 each, click on the cover image above—which will take you to the publication’s MagCloud page—then look for the dark blue “Buy Print: $15.00” button. Perfect for yourself, as a gift, or for your gallery and your gallery’s customers and collectors!

Find out more on MagCloud


Excerpt from “The Ghost Painter”

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

(I’ve been busy working on my second novel, The Ghost Painter, a paranormal thriller set in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The following is an excerpt in which the heroine — a New York artist — attends her first Santa Fe art opening.)

The level of chatter at the Cross of the Martyrs Gallery was rapidly rising. Too many bodies in too small a space, thought she, as she surveyed the crowded room while holding a small plastic glass in one hand and balancing some kind of tiny black-olive-cream-cheese-on-puff-pastry-thingamajig in the other. Never had she seen such a conglomeration of costume “get-ups” in one place without the occasion being Halloween. Nor had she seen so many females running the gamut of southwestern fashion choices. There was everything from Indian-style velvet broomstick skirts in rich colors of ruby-red, aqua, gold, and green, all topped off with high-necked or off-the-shoulder satin blouses, a preponderance of silver-and-turquoise jewelry, and fancy cowboy boots. Some flaunted their slim figures with sexy, skin-tight jeans, fringed sueded vests, and cowboy hats, along with the usual Indian jewelry. The men were no less flamboyant in their Western-style shirts, jeans with silver-buckled belts, high-heeled, alligator-skin boots, ostentatious hunks of turquoise-and-silver bolo ties, and the obsequiousness of the occasional Stetson. What a show, she thought. As for the main event, because of the crowd, Angelina hadn’t been able to get close enough to view the paintings hanging on the white-washed walls since she’d arrived.


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