Monday, January 4th, 2010
The Dec09/Jan10 issue of BUST Magazine article, “The Six-Week Cure,” written by Priya Jain, features an interview with Marilu and information about UNBRIDLED: A TALE OF A DIVORCE RANCH!

Tags: Arizona, Arthur Miller, Ava Gardner, Bill McGee, bust magazine, Carson City, Charlie Chan in Reno, Clark Gable, divorce ranch, Divorce Ranches, Ethel Dupont Roosevelt Jr., Flying M E, Gloria Vanderbilt, Greek premier, harry and joan drackert, Jack Kennedy, Jane McClary, lake tahoe, Leopold Stokowski, Maggie Astor, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Prince Ali Khan, priya jain, Pyramid Lake Ranch, Reno, Rita Hayworth, Sandra McGee, six week cure, the divorce seekers, The Women, truckee river, Tucson, Washoe County, washoe county courthouse, William L. McGee
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches, Entertainment, General, Hollywood, Latest Book | Comments Off on Article in BUST Magazine
Monday, April 13th, 2009
Back in the days of vaudeville, Gypsy Rose Lee and her mom found themselves booked into a third rate theater specializing in the dubious art of stripping. This was comically dramatized in the 1962 film version where the young “Gypsy” is introduced to the inner sanctum of stripping by a trio of strippers, each insisting, in her own inimitable way, that to succeed “You Gotta Have A Gimmick.” “Gimmick” is yesterday’s word for today’s all-purpose “hook,” as in: if you want to guarantee stardom on the world stage “You Gotta Have a Hook.” But in vaudeville “hook” meant if you gave a lousy performance somebody from backstage would wield a big, long hook and reel you right off the proscenium. There went your rent money and your reputation in show business. Not so today. Have a great hook and you’re in the running for whatever the media demands.
Tags: age, characters, divorce, divorce ranch, Divorce Ranches, Edith Wharton, gimmick, hook, Nevada, novel, plot, Reno, Reno-vated, Santa Fe, six week cure, survivor, vaudeville, Washoe County, writing
Posted in 1950s, Divorce Ranches, Entertainment, General, Latest Book, Mixed Media, Paintings | Comments Off on How to Write a Novel at 83 … or 13